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Nowadays we are often asked how Peter Kingsley understands what’s happening across the world. In fact he has been talking and writing for twenty long years, through his books as well as his recordings, about what was coming. And you will find the most direct answer to this question, as to where we are collectively headed, in his two most recent books Catafalque and A Book of Life.
If you are looking for some real stability in a world that has abandoned the sacred and is falling apart — for some genuine sense and meaning in a world that no longer makes any sense — you have come to the right place.
We are glad to announce that Peter Kingsley’s new book, A Book of Life, was released in September 2021. For full details of how to order a copy, click here. And for a beautiful and simple introduction to A Book of Life by the psychologist Robert Sardello, listen here.
A major book called Catafalque, focusing on the life and work of Carl Gustav Jung as well as his connection with the famous Sufi scholar Henry Corbin, was published as a two-volume set in 2018; and a single-volume paperback edition has just been made available. You will find information about Catafalque, including reviews and videos, by going here. You can find instructions on how to order the paperback here, and to order one of the few remaining copies of the original two-volume hardcover edition click here.
For the story behind Peter Kingsley’s two most recent books, Catafalque and A Book of Life, read here.
A new edition of his seminal book Reality, which contains in essence the heart and core of Peter Kingsley’s whole work, was released in 2020. To find out more, go here. And for a recent review of the book in the Los Angeles Review of Books click here.
For the full range of Peter’s books, visit here. Additionally we have a broad selection of published translations of his books into various languages. Several of these translations are available through this site. For all others, you are welcome to contact us.
You are also invited to explore this website and read, or download, the various articles we are making available.
Interviews & Discussions
To listen to a remarkable discussion between Peter and his friend Adyashanti about their work and about the realities of spiritual life, recorded in February 2020, click here. A brief and poignant clip from their conversation can be found here.
An in-depth interview, Spirit of the Depths, provides unique insights into Peter Kingsley’s connection with Carl Jung and into the remarkable processes involved in the writing of his book Catafalque. You will find further details about the film here.
The filmed version of a discussion between Peter and the famous Jungian Murray Stein about Carl Jung’s Red Book can be watched by clicking here.
The interview with Peter Kingsley by Christos Vayenas in Autumn Salon can be read here. For a translation into Portuguese click here.
On this website you will find full information about our audio and video recordings — including both of our latest videos, Meditation on the Unexpected and Spirit of the Depths. Please note that all our audio and video recordings are available now as instantly available digital downloads.
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